Outsourcing Creative & Tech

Outsource creative work? When you consider the costs of hiring a full-time designer for your company, then factor in the overhead to support that employee (like purchasing equipment, office space, management, benefits, insurance, etc etc), outsourcing starts to make financial sense. You might hire an in-house designer for 60-90k a year. With associated overhead, that number can easily double.

Now consider the amount of actual creative work your company does in a year. That same amount of money can be used to hire a full service, professional team to accomplish the same amount of work faster – and do it better. With a creative team you have access to creative direction, design, copywriting, programming & tech, production design and project management – a team of professionals who work together to make your brand better.

At the cost of hiring a single employee (mentioned above), you can afford over 850 hours of work with our team. That is 5+ months of work. You get the work you want done when you want it done and it is fully managed by us. Plus, we store your files offsite as a backup (as well as providing them to you).

Our team can handle the little things that pop up too. Things like e-mail set up, problem solving, tech support and consulting. You also have access to brand development and strategy. Again, you have a team that will suggest ways to improve your brand, packaging and digital presence.

If you print, we have developed special relationships with or printers and work directly with them to ensure your material is done right. And we may even save you a little money on the costs.

Depending on your demand, it really makes financial sense to outsource your creative work. We have been helping our clients for more than 20 years and our client retention is 90% or better.